Chelsea & Tony cover 12 photography urban legends that people actually believe... chances are good that you believe at least one of them! We cover:
1. Should you fully discharge your battery to avoid a memory effect?
2. Will deleting pictures in-camera corrupt your SD card?
3. Do UV filters really improve image quality?
4. Do higher megapixels really equal more noise?
5. Do medium format cameras really have better "compression"?
6. Is raw processing really better on your PC than in your camera?
7. Can you edit JPGs?
8. Do you really need to turn off image stabilization on a tripod?
9. Are lenses really sharpest at the f/8 "sweet spot"?
10. Is manual focus more accurate?
11. Does Canon really have the best color science?
12. Are memory card failures caused by bad brands or user error?
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Chelsea and Tony discuss photography's long history of abusing modes and provide advice and tips to make models more comfortable.
To help amplify the voices of the victims, Instagram #myjobshouldnotincludeabuse has powerful and disturbing stories from models: (look for the screenshots)
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