Manny Ortiz was robbed of $16,000 in camera gear. Our friend Luis was FOLLOWED HOME an hour to be robbed of his medium format camera gear. It's NOT the photographers fault - cameras make us targets. They're easy to steal and extremely easy to sell because they're basically the last remaining piece of technology that has no anti-theft technology. ONE COMPANY has implemented anti-theft technology already, and it has reduced the resale value of stolen gear by 50% - thus reducing the profit margin for thieves by signifcantly more than 50%. EVERY CAMERA COMPANY needs to take some basic measures to make theft more difficult and less profitable, and that includes Canon, Nikon, Sony, Fujifilm, Hasselblad, Panasonic Lumix, OM System and Leica. But not Pentax. Nobody is going to steal your Pentax.
After Samsung's Fake Moon debacle, Samsung's head of consumer experience says, "There is no real picture, full stop". Tony and CHelsea dig into the fake moon controversy, the ways photos have been faked and edited over time, and if there's any truth to all photos being faked.
Tony and Chelsea give their thoughts on why YouTubers are stepping back, buring out, and Quitting.